Re: CSS background images and HCM [was: Low vision user requirements wiki page]

Hi Shawn,

The fundamental user issue is that CSS background images in HCM vanish
and are not perceivable.

It could potentially be solved by any of the 3.

WCAG has Technique F3: Failure of Success Criterion 1.1.1 due to using
CSS to include images that convey important information

Kindest Regards,

On 10/28/15, Shawn Henry <> wrote:
> Re below: Is the fundamental issue that:
> 1. images that provide contextual information should not be included via CSS
> background?
> *or*
> 2. high contrast mode (HCM) and other setting should not turn off background
> images?
> *or*
> 3. users should have the option of turning background images on or off in
> HCM and other settings?
> *or*
> 4. other...
> On 10/28/2015 10:52 AM, Laura Carlson wrote:
>> Hi Shawn Jon, and all,
>> Good catch, Jon. That is one of  our use cases page. It is currently
>> the second point under color and contrast with the unique identifier
>> [Laura, UC-7] .
>> It might be good to include the unique identifier [Person, UC-#]  from
>> the "User stories - use cases" on the user requirements table for
>> reference, mapping and to be sure we don't miss others, which should
>> be included.
> Done (after I post the up date :-).
> ~Shawn
>> Thanks.
>> Best Regards,
>> Laura
>> On 10/28/15, Jonathan Avila <> wrote:
>>> Shawn, I wanted to discuss another potential item for the user
>>> requirements
>>> - what about removal of background/non-decorative images.  That is a11y
>>> features such as High contrast in Windows will remove background images
>>> that
>>> are seen as decorative from the page content.  This is an issue when
>>> background image techniques are incorrectly used by developers with
>>> meaningful images and then content is missing.  If this is already
>>> covered -
>>> please excuse this note.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Jonathan
>>> --
>>> Jonathan Avila
>>> Chief Accessibility Officer
>>> SSB BART Group
>>> Phone 703.637.8957
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Laura L. Carlson

Received on Thursday, 29 October 2015 11:25:02 UTC