Low Vision User Requirements

Hi all,

I took a pass at crafting the input so far into user requirements. It's at:

It's still very, very rough and not all filled out.

I do think it includes all of the issues from:
* https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/User_stories_-_use_cases
* https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Work_Topics
* http://www.tader.info/display.html

Note that I think we want the *user requirements* to be broad, not specific only to content or user agents. Then later stages can look at crafting requirements for specific guidelines, e.g., WCAG, as appropriate -- and at levels.

Hope this helps,

Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2015 02:00:45 UTC