Minutes: LVTF telecon 7th October, 2015

​source: http://www.w3.org/2015/10/07-lvtf-minutes.html​

- DRAFT - Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 07 Oct 2015

See also: IRC log <http://www.w3.org/2015/10/07-lvtf-irc>
PresentMichaelC, Srini, AWK, erich_manser, shawn, Jim, Laura, Katie,
Haritos-Shea, WayneRegretsJonathan_Avila, Alan_Smith, Bruce_BaileyChairJimA
and AndrewKScribeSrini

   - Topics <http://www.w3.org/2015/10/07-lvtf-minutes.html#agenda>
      1. reminder - rejoin WCAG if you haven't already done so
      2. rejoin WCAG if not already done so.
      3. availability survey
      4. Availability survey
      5. survey about overview - discussion
      6. Survey of Overview
   - Summary of Action Items


<trackbot> Date: 07 October 2015

<AWK> having trouble with webex

<AWK> are others able to join?

<shawn> see new webex link in topic. I'll send e-mail, too

<laura> It tells me: “The meeting has been canceled”

<laura> Thanks, Shawn.

<MichaelC> +MichaelC


My WebEX is being loaded


<AWK> +erich_manser

are you guys on WebEx already? I clicked on new link sent by Shawn and it's
still loading

<jallan> +Jim

<Wayne> hi I am unable to call in

<Wayne> wayne+

<AWK> Scribe: Srini
reminder - rejoin WCAG if you haven't already done so rejoin WCAG if not
already done so.

AWK: reminding everyone about rejoining W3C and groups. There will be a
reminder email

<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/35422/join

<AWK> People have about 30 days to do this

AWK: There is a change in new charter and everyone need to be new member of

<AWK> but don't delay as if you miss the deadline there will be a long delay

there is a 30 days grace period
availability survey

<scribe> New WebEX link
Availability survey <https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/81151/LVTF-telecons/>

<shawn> +1 to doing survey and not regrets e-mails

AWK: people are expected to indicate that they can't make it there

<scribe> New link for Web Ex:

<shawn> "Please put your best guess for now. You can update this
survey/questionnaire at any time."

Shawn: you can change / update your coments any time Re: survey

Wayne: manage to get in! Srini: Welcome
survey about overview - discussion Survey of Overview

<shawn> survey results:

<jallan> Overview wiki page

We did some edits in survey page to let people give feedback.

We didn't get it to it.

AWK, : there are 4 responses

<laura> Results: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/81151/overview/results

Jim: Well
... reviewed and refreshed page. he still see it blank
... andrew, can you please check?
... click on questions and get nothing

AWK: trying
... size limitations, field blocks etc. for topics

field loss, illumination, color, blow

Laura suggesting figure out way color and contrast

Jim: color is part of illumunation
... color blind and fall under contrast

AWK: asking Laura to talk about clarity

Wayne: Katie is not on IRC too

AWK: we should follow up with Katie on what is clarity

Wayne: SBVI has soem great details, numerious ones that he has put together
under distration.
... cool thing for low vision.
... very significant info about loss in detail

AWK: loss in detail, is it a limitation?

Wayne: it's ground problem
... when noise page, people with low vision don't see anything.
... if you have busy back ground, it's trouble reading
... it confuses low vision for low vision.

it's about background of pages

Srini: lots of people put background images and text with poor color

AWK: close to audio contrast

<jallan> s/visiion/vision

Wayne: it's about visual simplicity

AWK: question is user limitation for users is visual simplicity? where
would it fall in our categories?
... there isn't need to be independent, they should provide as subset of
common characteristics
... size limitations, physical field block, these sorts of problems.

Wayne: Color and contrast can go into illumination. users may have
brightness problem, color problem

AWK: we have illumination and color, are you suggesting together or

Wayne: seperate and we can drop in contrast
... there is a great demand for high contrast. they get tired

Jim: you were saying make it color and move contrast as seperate line

Wayne: thinks contrast is not a seperate line

<shawn> luminosity contrast ratio

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say not "color contrast"

<shawn> (This accessibility requirement is sometimes called sufficient
"color contrast"; however, that is incorrect — technically it's "luminance
contrast". On this page we use "contrast ratio" as short for "luminance
contrast ratio" because it's less jargony.)

Srini: says contrast use is required as that's a common problem

AWK;: Shawn is in Que

Shawn: use word as color conrast is not correct

Luminocity contrast

<shawn> s/it's less jargony.)/it's less jargony.) from <

AWK: let's use illumination and contrast

Wayne: Illumination is a function. you need certain amount of contrast.
some times too much is bad
... color does a bunch of things
... Color has to be seperate thing. help people with color blindness

AWK: Okay

<laura> +1

Shawn: Yes yes

AWK: Laura indicates +1

<jallan> +1

Eric: I admitted my comments in survey.
... agrees. illumination

AWK: cool

Jim: is there a summary?

size, field bloss, illumination and contrast, seperate one for color

Wayne: noise is such a problem

clarity is important.

Wayne: when we say field loss, Jim introduced compolication, field of
physical and environement.what are we talking about?

AWK: related to field loss one?
... didn't put in survey yet
... field loss is a result only env of field loss. in this, it's physical
loss of users ability ability to persue

Eric: in my comments I still have issue with that.

Katie: what is the technical term?


<jallan> just added islands - technical term is Scotoma

Wayne: really blurry minus plus centre distributed all over
... unlike retina, big spot.
... trying to stay plain language

AWK: we are talking about connection to medical diagnosis. would be using
fictual terms.
... lot of new words people would be learning

Wayne: working on a how people functionally see. hwo it effects web
interaction. try and get this into ampology.
... is everyone OK?

Katie: good news

AWK: we are not overlooking how does WCAG looking at color blindness.
... this relates shawn, it's about contrast and not color
... we need to make sure we are clear about

Erich: I agree

AWK: Eric, are you talking about size limitations

Eric: we already discussed abou tit. about editors. q: survey, do we need
to have any examples
... that would have value
... soome one needs msaller text
... smaller would be better for someone. further spacing. I think answer to
editors; having specific examples would be helpful

AWK: alright

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say smaller

Shawn: person with good visual acuity but tunnel vision needs smaller text

Jim: wayne has ... has the same
... if something is too big, trouble to read

<Ryladog> As a way to distinguish COLOR issues, for what we will talk about
in LV Extension. 1. Color related to accessibility problems for
colorblindness. And separately, Color related to accessibility problems for
Low Vision

Wayne: different size of headings would be helpful. Eric ?

Eric: curious aabout someones field is narrow.
... with magnification easier + text wrapping.
... Additional thoughts: illumination, meaning his personal experience.
... his own condition, find balance. need light
... for fuunctional too much light makes uncomfortable
... inappropriate use case may be, but if user needs light, suddenly it
becomes painful

Katie: it's that's what we need to talk about
... bright medium and dark

AwK: capture use cases, perfect examples we should include

<Ryladog> We should try to work towards user-settable illumination levels

AWK: high degree of availability of users, ratio is x everyone is good. we
know someone find r.2:1 is not enough
... absolutely. helpful for wiki

<jallan> +1

Eric: largely conversation about a11y complaince matter; shifting to useful
for everyone
... may be 50 old year people says I can't read my phone
... aging poplation struggles and we need to think about

AWK: question we are trying to figure out is it that a seperate category or
... we have 4 categores, asking Katie about clarity

Katie: I don't reallly know. everyone has their own way; not sure.
... not sure how to achieve it. how we can articulate it. thinking o it as
addressing needs
... talking about visual clarity and that would be about content clarity as
... high resolution, etc., in her mind

Laura: I was thinking of clarity as the opposite of blur.

Katie: yes, clear fonts, in general whatever needs to be done to clarity.
that may not be right word

AWK: we have centre response better than side, response something like that
is clarity.
... that may fall under illumination and contrast.

Katie: that makes sense
... still see needs to be addressed.
... don't know just blow up the size, would not address clarity.
... any functional stuff. if doesn't something else

AWK: right
... clarity is the ultimate thing that user want
... if it's not clear, you can't use information. use special font, bump up
and gets tired

elimination adn contrast, color, clarify, field loss, functional limitations

Wayne: is there any couple of use cases?

Jim: I may

<shawn> [have to drop - sorry]

Katie: that's an opportunity; let's do it

<laura> So to summarize I'm gathering: 1. size limitations (acuity) 2.
field loss 3. illumination/contrast 4. color

<laura> 5. clarity. Plus outcome: fatigue

<laura> bye

Thanks everyone.

Trackbot end meeting
Summary of Action Items [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 19 October 2015 14:10:48 UTC