Updated: User Stories - Use Cases page to include Tagline and Summary template sections for each Use Case

Hello All,


Per my action item from today’s call to Update the User Stories - Use Cases page (https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/User_stories_-_use_cases )

to add/include Tagline and Summary template sections for each use case.


Please add the content for the Tagline and Summary for your use case. I have made an example, at least for Tagline for the first use case.






* katie *


Katie Haritos-Shea 
Senior Accessibility SME (WCAG/Section 508/ADA/AODA)


Cell: 703-371-5545 |  <mailto:ryladog@gmail.com> ryladog@gmail.com | Oakton, VA |  <http://www.linkedin.com/in/katieharitosshea/> LinkedIn Profile | Office: 703-371-5545


Received on Wednesday, 14 October 2015 15:37:11 UTC