Re: [OT] Feedback on CSS Branding?

Hi, folks–

We've only gotten a few responses to the CSS branding poll, probably 
because of the holidays. I've extended the poll so we can get more 
feedback. Could you each please take a few minutes to respond?


On 12/17/13 7:09 AM, Doug Schepers wrote:
> Hi, folks–
> W3C has been discussing how its technologies are used and perceived, as
> well as how they are talked about by the wider community.
> We want to help reinforce the positive messages about CSS, and to
> reflect these ideas and impressions about CSS in our branding strategy.
> If you are interested in giving feedback, we've prepared a short poll to
> some specific questions. All questions are optional, so please provide
> all the feedback you feel is helpful. Anyone is welcome to answer this
> poll [1]. The poll closes at the end of December.
> This is somewhat off-topic for this mailing list, so if you have
> questions or comments, please email Peter or me offlist.
> [1]
> Thanks!
> Doug Schepers, W3C Developer Relations
> Peter Linss, CSS WG Co-Chair

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 23:02:15 UTC