Re: Proposed Message for CSS Logo Feedback

Hi, folks–

I got some more feedback from Michael Nieling; I based the poll on 
OcuPop's questionnaire, but he thought I could strip it down.

So, here's the new proposal, based on all current feedback.

I'd like to send this today or tomorrow, so if you have thoughts, please 
share them by EOD.

Hi, folks–

W3C has been discussing how its technologies are used and perceived, as 
well as how they are talked about by the wider community.

We want to help reinforce the positive messages about CSS, and to 
reflect these ideas and impressions about CSS in our branding strategy.

If you are interested in giving feedback, especially in providing a 
keyword in

We've prepared a short poll to some specific questions. All questions 
are optional, so please provide all the feedback you feel is helpful. 
Anyone is welcome to answer this poll [1]. The poll closes at the end of 


(-Doug Schepers
W3C Developer Relations
Whoever should send this message, maybe Peter as CSS WG chair?)

Poll [1]:
1. CSS Branding

W3C is exploring the idea of doing some CSS branding for help in 
community building and a clearer, stronger CSS identity. We're 
interested in how you see CSS now and in how we can reinforce that idea 
going forward.

2. Who are the key stakeholders?
Who would benefit most from a CSS branding effort (e.g. graphics, 
messaging, etc.)? (For example: designers, developers, CSS evangelists, 
organizations that make CSS-based products, and so on.)

3. How should the audience react?
Which emotions do we hope to evoke from our audience? Should consumers 
feel happy, excited, confident, impressed, unique, in-on-a-joke, etc?

4. What action do we want the audience to do?
What is our desired next step for our audience after seeing our CSS 
branding? What should they do? Learn CSS, teach a friend, talk about it 
publicly, promote it, associate themselves with it, participate in the 
CSS WG discussions, etc?

5. Single CSS Keyword
If you had to distill our message about CSS into one key concept - and 
for this exercise you do - what is that concept? What resonates with 
your audience? Speed, Power, New, Different, Solid, Simple, Timeless, Fun?



Received on Friday, 13 December 2013 21:21:51 UTC