[First CFP] CLiC-it 2025 - Eleventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics



CLiC-it 2025 - Eleventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics


24 - 26 September 2025, Cagliari, Italy

https://clic2025.unica.it/ <https://clic2025.unica.it/>

Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers

Over the years, CLiC-it has evolved into an important forum for the 
Italian community of researchers in Computational Linguistics (CL) and 
Natural Language Processing (NLP). CLiC-it aims to promote and 
disseminate high-quality, original research covering different aspects 
of automatic language processing, involving both written and spoken 
language. Furthermore, it seeks to showcase cutting-edge theoretical 
findings, experimental methodologies, technologies, and application 

The spirit of the conference is inclusive. Recognizing the multifaceted 
nature of language phenomena and the need for interdisciplinary 
expertise, CLiC-it aims to bring together researchers from different 
fields including Computational Linguistics and Natural Language 
Processing, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine Learning, Computer 
Science, Knowledge Representation, Information Retrieval, and Digital 
Humanities. CLiC-it welcomes contributions focusing on all languages, 
with a particular emphasis on Italian.

CLiC-it 2025 will be held in Cagliari, from the 24th to the 26th of 
September. CLiC-it is organised by the Italian Association of 
Computational Linguistics (AILC -- http://www.ai-lc.it/ 

Conference topics


CLiC-it 2025 aims to have a broad technical program. Relevant topics for 
the conference include, but are not limited to (in alphabetical order):

- Computational Historical Linguistics

- Computational Social Science and Cultural Analytics

- Dialogue and Interactive Systems

- Discourse and Pragmatics

- Ethics and NLP

- Generation

- Handwritten Text Recognition

- Information Extraction

- Information Retrieval and Text Mining

- Interpretability and Analysis of Models for NLP

- Language Grounding to Vision, Robotics and Beyond

- Large Language Models

- Linguistic Diversity

- Linguistic Theories, Cognitive Modeling, and Psycholinguistics

- Machine Learning for NLP

- Machine Translation

- Multilingualism and Cross-Lingual NLP

- NLP Applications

- NLP for the Humanities

- Phonology, Morphology, and Word Segmentation

- Pragmatics and Creativity

- Question Answering

- Resources and Evaluation

- Semantics: Lexical, Sentence-level Semantics, Textual Inference, and 
Other Areas

- Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining

- Speech and Multimodality

- Summarization

- Syntax: Tagging, Chunking and Parsing

Research Communications


CLiC-it 2025 adopts a parallel submission policy for outstanding papers 
accepted in2024 and 2025by major publication venues, namely the major 
international CL conferences (workshops excluded) or international 
journals. These contributions can be submitted to CLiC-it 2025 as short 
research communications. Research communications will not be published 
in the conference proceedings, they serve primarily to promote the 
dissemination of high-quality research within the Italian CL community. 
Submitted research communications must be in the scope of the CLiC-it 
2025 conference.

The authors of papers that meet the above criteria are invited to submit 
a written (maximum) one-page abstract of the original paper, including 
the paper’s title and authors as well as a pointer to the original 
conference or journal where the paper was published.

If needed, research communications will undergo a selection process 
overseen by the conference chairs. Since these papers have already been 
reviewed, the selection criteria will primarily consider their original 
publication venue. Priority will be granted to papers that align most 
closely with the conference program, ensuring a balanced representation 
across various conference topics. The research communication papers will 
be presented at the conference either orally or as a poster according to 
the number of submissions received.

Paper Submission


Submitted papers must describe substantial, original, completed, and 
unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis 
should be included.

CLiC-it 2025 allows for a multiple-submission policy. In case of 
acceptance of the paper in other venues, the authors must communicate 
this information to the CLiC-it 2025 Chairs as soon as possible.

Papers may consist of at least six (6) and no more than eight (8)  pages 
of content, and up to three (3) pages of references. Supplementary 
material is also allowed, but it should not exceed one (1) page in 
length. Authors are reminded that all relevant content should be 
included in the main text of the paper. Upon acceptance, final versions 
of papers will be given one additional page of content, so that 
reviewers’ comments can be taken into account.

Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

- soundness of approach

- relevance to computational linguistics

- novelty and clarity of relation with related work

- quality of presentation

- quality of evaluation (if applicable)

- verifiability and ability to replicate (if applicable)

Papers can be either in English or Italian, with the abstract in 
English. Accepted papers will be published online and will be presented 
at the conference either orally or as a poster.

Reviewing will NOT be blind, so there is no need to remove author 
information from manuscripts.

The required template for CLiC-it submissions must be compatible with 
CEUR (https://ceur-ws.org/ <https://ceur-ws.org/>). You can download the 
conference-adapted version at the following links:


    LaTeX template


    Word template

Should you encounter any issues with the compilation (as the CEUR 
template has historically presented some challenges and is not 
modifiable without risking exclusion from the proceedings), we provide a 
read-only Overleaf template:



This template can be accessed and cloned to help resolve any technical 

Papers and research communications must be submitted through the START 
platform using the following 

For research communications, the appropriate track should be selected.



To acknowledge the contribution of young researchers to the field, the 
title of "best paper" will be awarded to outstanding papers, provided 
that a Master's orPhD student is the first author and presents the work 
at the conference. Recipients of this award will be invited to submit an 
extended version of their papers to the Italian Journal of Computational 
Linguistics (IJCoL). To recognise excellence in student research as well 
as promote awareness of our field, AILC is also conferring the “Emanuele 
Pianta” prize for the best Master Thesis (Laurea Magistrale) in 
Computational Linguistics submitted at an Italian University. The prize 
consists of 500 Euros plus free membership to AILC for one year and free 
registration to the upcoming CLiC-it.

Important Dates


- 09/06/2025: Paper submission deadline: regular papers and research 

-21/07/2025: Notification to authors of reviewing/selection outcome

- 04/08/2025: Camera ready version of accepted papers

- 24-26/09/2025: CLiC-it 2025 Conference, Cagliari

Conference Chairs


- Cristina Bosco (University of Torino)

- Elisabetta Jezek (University of Pavia)

- Marco Polignano (University of Bari)

- Manuela Sanguinetti (University of Cagliari)

Program Committee:



Local Organizing Committee:


- Maurizio Atzori  (DMI, University of Cagliari)

- Andrea Loddo (DMI, University of Cagliari)

- Alessandro Pani (DMI, University of Cagliari)

- Alessandra Perniciano  (DMI, University of Cagliari)

- Luca Zedda (DMI, University of Cagliari)

Web chairs:



    Maurizio Atzori


    Andrea Loddo

Further information


Conference website: https://clic2025.unica.it/ <https://clic2025.unica.it/>

Mail: clicit2025cagliari@gmail.com <mailto:clicit2025cagliari@gmail.com>


Received on Friday, 21 February 2025 09:46:05 UTC