[CFP] Special Issue on "Information Extraction and Language Discourse Processing" of Journal Information (ISSN 2078-2489)

The journal /Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/artificial-intelligence>/ is
arranging a Research Topic on "Advances in Structured Information
Extraction for Large Language Models." As Topic Editors for the issue, we
would like to invite you to contribute a review or research article.

The submission deadline will be /25 March 2024/.

Learn more about the research topic here
indicate your interest to contribute by clicking "Participate in this
topic." This will ensure you receive timely reminders from the publishers.

Your cordially,

Dr. Jennifer D'Souza

Prof. Dr. Anisa Rula

*Research Topic Editors*

Received on Tuesday, 16 January 2024 09:15:17 UTC