Registration Open to joint the KGSWC-2023 conference at Zaragoza Spain in hybrid mode

Dear All

It is a pleasure to invite you to join the KGSWC-2023 Keyote talks,
Sponsors talk, Paper presentation. Registration is open to join the event
and explore more about Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web.

Kindly go through the link and please feel free to ask if you have any

Note: Registration amount not included lunch and dinner
Dr. Sanju Tiwari (CEO & Founder of Shodhguru Research Labs)
Full Professor, BVICAM, New Delhi, India
Sr. Researcher, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico
Resarch Fellow of ORKG, TIB Hannover, Germany
Visiting Researcher, InfAI, Leipzig University, Germany
External Supervisor, University of Lubeck, Germany
DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow
General Chair *KGSWC-2023* <>/
"Do what you love, Love what you do"

Received on Wednesday, 11 October 2023 06:16:36 UTC