Re: Demo: Query Language Cheatsheet Generation using ChatGPT 3.5

ChatGPT simply offers tools for productivity understanding the end product of following certain "best practices" for structured data representation using entity relationship graphs constructed using hyperlinks.
 Wikidata has an annotation system to drives how its data is derived from Wikipedia content en route to publication using Linked Data principles, that's it :)
Nicely put Kingsley especially the :)
I myself go right for the grins ... fellows of my persuasion will enjoy last Thursday's "Nature" with it's epic smack-down of AI Development disguised as a discussion of the role of women in the discovery of DNA.  Girl's ? DNA ? Who ordered that ?  Gates, Bill or Gates, Melinda;  I sure would like to be a mosquito on the wall at the next foundation board meeting.

-- Gannon

Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2023 16:36:37 UTC