!!!!!! Deadline Approaching!!!!!! KGSWC-2022 (CCIS Springer Indexed)

Dear All

We are reaching the deadline, Kindly submit your related paper.

###Final Call for Papers######

KGSWC-202 <https://kgswc.org/>2
Fourth Ibero-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference joint
with Third Indo-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference
21-23 November 2022
Universidad Camilo José Cela, - Madrid, Spain

Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC) is an international
scientific conference series devoted to Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web
research. We are glad to announce the KGSWC-2022 every year since 2019. It
is a great pleasure for the KGSWC team to get support from all over the
world with strong research groups, academicians, students, and industry.
The success of KGSWC events is only dependent on its authors, reviewers,
eminent Keynote Speakers, Winter School speakers and participants, and
Hackathon and Workshop teams who really played an important role to achieve
the milestone by making a successful event.

We are pleased to invite you for your contribution to the KGSWC-2022. The
conference is ready to take submissions, Please share in your groups and do
not hesitate to write to us if you have any queries.

Conference Link: http://kgswc.org/

Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kgswc2022

Like every year, Conference has the following events:


   Keynotes <https://kgswc.org/cth_speaker/>, top Experts of Knowledge
   Graph & Semantic Web Community

   Hackathon <https://kgswc.org/hackathon/>, for students

   Winter School <https://kgswc.org/winter-school/>, Worldwide Academician
   on Knowledge Graphs & Semantic Web

   Workshops (IWSW <https://kgswc.org/iwsw-2021/>, IWSMW
   <https://kgswc.org/iwmsw-2021/>, IWDLQ, IWSIoT)

We have confirmed eminent keynote speakers:

We also have an exciting opportunity to invite the accepted papers as an
extended version in the following SCIE/ESCI journals:
1. Data Technologies and Applications (Emerald SSCI Indexed, Cite Score:
2.8, Impact Factor: 1.667).

2. The Electronic Library (Emerald SSCI Indexed, Cite Score: 2.6, Impact
Factor: 1.540)

3. International Journal of Web Information Systems (Emerald WoS/Scopus
Indexed, Cite Score:1.8)

Important Dates

Submission Deadline  July 31, 2022

Notification Due           September 12, 2022

Final Version Due         September 23, 2022

Please do not hesitate to write us if you have any queries.

Thank you

Dr. Sanju Tiwari (PhD, Post-Doc), SMIEEE
Sr. Researcher, Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas, Mexico
Visiting Researcher, InfAI, Leipzig University, Germany
DAAD Post-Doc-Net AI Fellow
General Chair *KGSWC-2022* (Third Indo-American Conference)
http://www.kgswc.org <http://www.kgswc.org/indo-american/>/
"Do what you love, Love what you do"

Received on Monday, 25 July 2022 13:43:35 UTC