[job] UI and backend developer for Research Data Management at TIB Hannover, Germany

Dear all,

We have two job openings for developers with SemTech expertise at TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology  (https://tib.eu<https://tib.eu/>) in Hannover, Germany. You can find the opening here:

·       UI developer in the field of Research Data Management: https://tib.eu/stellenangebot-67-2022-eng  Please note: Application deadline is already tomorrow.

·       Backend developer for Research Data Management: https://tib.eu/stellenangebot-72-2022-eng

Further vacancies can be found here: https://www.tib.eu/en/tib/careers-and-apprenticeships/vacancies

Feel free to get in touch with me or the colleagues mentioned in the openings in case of questions and further information.

Best regards,


Prof. Dr. Sören Auer

ERC Consolidator Project ScienceGRAPH: https://orkg.org/about/5/ScienceGRAPH

TIB Leibniz Information Centre Science & Technology- https://tib.eu/auer
L3S Research Center - http://www.l3s.de<http://www.l3s.de/>
University of Hannover, Computer Science https://idas.uni-hannover.de

Skype: soerenauer, Mobile +4915784988949


Received on Thursday, 15 December 2022 08:23:41 UTC