Fwd: [CfP] Special SWJ issue on Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning

[Apologies for cross-posting]

Call for papers: Special Semantic Web Journal (SWJ) Issue on
Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning

Next to being one of the core research topics of AI since its beginnings,
machine common sense has recently received new traction, mainly as a
consequence of two factors: the recent surge of commonsense benchmarks, and
the large success of neural language models on various AI tasks including
commonsense question answering. In addition, many diverse structured and
semi-structured sources of commonsense knowledge have been created, some of
which are integrated into the Semantic Web. Given the gaps in current
models and evaluation, such knowledge sources are leveraged to enhance
these models and further improve performance on the benchmarks, as well as
to enhance explainability and create novel evaluation challenges. Semantic
Web sources thus hold the promise to advance the state-of-the-art research
on commonsense knowledge and reasoning. This special issue at the Semantic
Web Journal seeks original articles describing theoretical and practical
methods and techniques focusing on open challenges with capturing
commonsense knowledge, reasoning on tasks, and evaluating existing
reasoning techniques in novel ways.

Topics relevant to this special issue include, but are not limited to, the


   Representing and Storing Web of Data

   Creation of new commonsense knowledge sources

   Extraction of commonsense knowledge from text, images, or videos

   Selecting commonsense knowledge from existing Semantic Web sources

   Integration of existing commonsense knowledge sources

   Integration of commonsense sources in the Linked Open Data cloud

   Exploration of commonsense knowledge sources

   Representation of commonsense knowledge

   Domain ontologies of commonsense knowledge

   Axiomatization of commonsense dimensions

   Impact of commonsense knowledge on downstream tasks

   Methods for including commonsense knowledge in downstream tasks

   Using language models for commonsense reasoning

   Probing for knowledge needs in downstream tasks

   Evaluation metrics for machine common sense

   Novel machine common sense tasks

   Explainable commonsense reasoning

   Multimodal commonsense reasoning

   Domain-specific commonsense reasoning

   Interactive elicitation or evaluation of commonsense knowledge

   Identifying gaps in commonsense knowledge sources

   Completion of commonsense knowledge sources



   Submission deadline: 20th of October 2021. Papers submitted before the
   deadline will be reviewed upon receipt.

Author Guidelines

Submissions shall be made through the Semantic Web journal website at
http://www.semantic-web-journal.net. Prospective authors must take notice
of the submission guidelines posted at

We welcome five main types of submissions: (i) full research papers, (ii)
reports on tools and systems, (iii) descriptions of ontologies, (iv)
dataset descriptions, and (v) survey articles. The description of the
submission types is posted at
http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/authors#types. While there is no upper
limit, paper length must be justified by content.

Note that you need to request an account on the website for submitting a
paper. Please indicate in the cover letter that it is for the "Commonsense
Knowledge and Reasoning" special issue. All manuscripts will be reviewed
based on the SWJ open and transparent review policy and will be made
available online during the review process.

Also note that the Semantic Web journal is open access

Finally please note that submissions must comply with the journal’s Open
Science Data requirements, which are detailed in the corresponding blog post
Guest editors

The guest editors can be reached at commonsense-swj@googlegroups.com .

Filip Ilievski, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern
California, CA, USA

Antoine Bosselut, Stanford University, CA, USA

Kenneth Forbus, Northwestern University, IL, USA

Simon Razniewski, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany

Vered Shwartz, Allen Institute for AI and University of Washington, WA, USA
Guest editorial board

(to be expanded)

Maria Chang, IBM Almaden Research Center, CA, USA

Marieke van Erp, KNAW Humanities Cluster, The Netherlands

Bill Yuchen Lin, University of Southern California, CA, USA

Pavan Kapanipathi, IBM T J Watson Research Center, NY, USA

Alessandro Oltramari, Bosch Research, PA, USA

Ilaria Tiddi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hongming Zhang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST),
Hong Kong



Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2021 01:57:26 UTC