
Hi there,

Executive summary:
We've closed down *.rkbexplorer.com.

More details:
Over 15 years ago, Ian Millard and I, with help from our project partners on the ReSIST (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/026764) project, embarked on an RDF-enabled Knowledge Base for project purposes.
We then engineered this to be split into many different stores, as a proper LOD application should.
Over time, we expanded it to include all publication data we could find (eg OAI, DBLP, ACM, CiteSeer), and project data from many sources (eg US, EU, UK).
It used LOD in tooth and claw, providing unified browsing and search interfaces, over more than a dozen completely separate RDF stores and domains.
It led to the development of the sameAs-aware services.

In their day, the rkbexplorer stores represented a significant chunk of the LOD Cloud.

A few months ago, I got bored with maintaining it, deciding it was past its usefulness, and stopped paying for the domain.

Since I have had only one enquiry since, and for a side project (void.rkbexplorer.com), I assume that was a sensible decision.

But I neglected to tell anyone - sorry.

People who manage indices of LOD resources should feel free to remove any rkbexplorer domains from their datasets.
If you are using rkbexplorer.com URIs, and are concerned that they have lost meaning because they now go to a domain-squatter, do not fear - you can always looks them up in sameAs,org - that was always one of the objectives of sameAs.org.
For example: http://www.sameas.org/html?uri=http://southampton.rkbexplorer.com/id/person-07113

If anyone wants the data, or indeed anything else associated with the site, feel free to ask, and I will endeavour to dig it out.

Fare thee well - it was a good ride, but there you go.

Hugh Glaser
Seme4 Limited
International House
Southampton International Business Park
SO18 2RZ
Mobile: +44 7595 334155


Received on Thursday, 5 August 2021 16:22:32 UTC