Call for interest: Linked Data Signatures WG at W3C

Dear Semantic Web / Linked Data people (with my apologies for 

the creation of a new Working Group is currently being submitted to W3C, 
on the topic of Linked Data Signatures. The charter proposal is 
available here:

and any feedback is welcome: you can submit issues on the corresponding 
github repository [1]. This charter proposal heavily relies on previous 
work by the Credentials Community Group (CCG) [2], but its scope is 
broader than "just" Verifiable Credentials.

In a nutshell, the goal is to provide a standard way to canonicalize, 
hash and sign RDF graphs and datasets, independently of any specific 
serialization. Another deliverable of this WG is a vocabulary for 
describing, in RDF, such signatures or other kinds of cryptographic proofs.

If you think there is value in this, and furthermore if you intend to 
participate in this WG, please express your support to its creation:

* by creating an issue [1] with the label "expression_of_support"
   (following one of the examples already there [3])
* if your organization is a member, by encouraging your AC-Rep to
   respond to the corresponding thread on ac-forum [4]

thanks in advance,



Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 17:09:15 UTC