Re: blank predicates

there are an infinite number of boring relationships that hold between any
arbitrary pair of objects; your best bet might be to name one for your
application rather than attempt to use generalized (predicateless) rdf


On Sat, 28 Mar 2020 at 08:57, Melvin Carvalho <>

> I am working on a information mapping system (aka mind maps)
> And I want to have two nodes related to each other
> #Alice R #Bob
> In the general sense, the type of relationship (predicate) R is not really
> known at the time of creation.  My software currently does not allow the
> labeling of edges is the reason (but hopefully in future it will)
> I need a way to relate Alice to Bob but I dont have a URI for a predicate.
> Is there something that can operate as a "blank predicate"?
> Or some existing relations that simply says that two entities or linked /
> related, without yet knowing how they are related?

Received on Saturday, 28 March 2020 09:54:05 UTC