Bridging GraphQL and RDF Community Group

Dear all,

Recently, there has been growing interest in tools and mechanisms to bridge the worlds of GraphQL and RDF.
While many approaches have been proposed to bridge these worlds,
these are unfortunately mostly incompatible with each other.

As a first step towards alignment between these approaches,
a W3C Community Group has been created to compare these approaches with each other.

Examples of application areas the CG will focus on are:

- Read/Write Access (CRUD) to and from RDF data via GraphQL queries and/or interfaces
- Validation of RDF graphs using GraphQL schemas
- Mapping between GraphQL and RDF-based shape languages
- ...

If you are interested in any of the above topics,
feel free to join this new community group:

Kind regards,
Ruben Taelman

Received on Monday, 3 February 2020 09:59:39 UTC