
I love rapper.
Thank you so much.

However... :-)

Could it please function better as a Unix filter?

Maybe "-g" should be the default? Or at least one of the triple formats. And also it could do something a bit of more clever on the input than just look at the extension (which is what it seems to do).
And just piping into it should be easier. Can't it make up a Base URI for me? I never use the file: output triples in any case - they aren't Linked Data..

This is prompted by the easierRDf discussion, but I think it is wider than that.
Yeah, I know there are mostly ways around this (just define an alias) - although the piping to stdin is a problem because I don't know what to set the "−−input FORMAT" to.

Or am I missing something?

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Received on Monday, 1 April 2019 17:30:27 UTC