Re: Examples of applications built on LOD & use LOD as their core structure, including autodiscovery.

On 01/11/2018 23:20, Juan Sequeda wrote:

This is a boring question nowadays.

A large portion of the web (what is it now 15, 20%) uses<> markup (i.e. an ontology markup).

Look at all the knowledge graphs.

Btw, when you mean LOD do you actually mean the datasets on the Linked Open Data cloud? Or just linked data in general? I'm guessing it's the latter.

Juan Sequeda, Ph.D<>

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 5:46 PM Ettore RIZZA <<>> wrote:

If it's about finding examples for laypersons, why not Apple's Siri, which uses Wikidata<>? (or the Google Knowledge graph<> of course)

Ettore Rizza

Le jeu. 1 nov. 2018 à 23:32, Hyvönen Eero <<>> a écrit :

In Finland, a series of cultural heritage "Sampo" semantic portals  based on LOD and SPARQL endpoints are widely used at the moment also by 'the average man / woman':

"BookSampo - Finnish Fiction Literature on the Semantic Web (2011-)"<> had in 2017 ca 2 million users making it a key portal of the Public Libraries in Finland.
The system is based on academic research and publications reported here<> but is nowadays fully maintained by the Public Libraries.

"WarSampo - Finnish World War II on the Semantic Web" (2015-)"<> had in 2017 130 000 users, and is based on data linked from the National Archives of Finland, Defense Force archives and other sources. The system is based on academic research and publications reported here<>.

"BiographySampo - Finnish Life Stories of the Semantic Web" (2018-)<> was released a month ago and is based on a knowledge graph extracted automatically from 13 000 biographies of the Finnish Literature Society (FLS), including the National Biography, and interlinked with 13 other external data sources. We expect a lot of users for BiographySampo, since the traditional biography system of FLS, using the same biographies, has 300 000 users in a year, BiographySampo provides much more intelligent services for the user (7 different application perspectives), and the biographies of FLS in BiographySampo are not anymore behind a pay wall but are openly available in this portal. The system is based on academic research and publications reported here<> .

Best regards – terveisin

Prof. Eero Hyvönen, Director
Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities (HELDIG)
University of Helsinki and Aalto University
phone:  +358 50 384 1618
Heldig: Room A131, Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki,<>
Aalto: Room B128, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo,<>

New book: E. Hyvönen: Semantic Web. Handbook of Linked Open Data (in Finnish). Gaudeamus, 2018.<>

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Wallis [<>]
Sent: 1. marraskuutata 2018 21:37
Subject: Examples of applications built on LOD

I was challenged today to provide examples of applications that have been built on LOD. What I'm looking for especially is examples that might be recognized by 'the average man/woman in the street'. For example, the BBC's use of their Dynamic Semantic Publishing architecture for the Olympic Games. I'm also interested in examples that are important to progress (e.g. scientific progress), but which may not be known to those people (in the street).

Can you help?

Christopher Gutteridge <><>
You should read our team blog at

Received on Friday, 2 November 2018 02:36:12 UTC