Re: Linked Data Browser

On 2018-03-15 19:49, Jean-Marc Vanel wrote:
> You're right about RDFa ,
> but since not everyone does serve RDFa, there is a need for a RDF browser.

A need for who or what exactly? Please describe the use case.

The website/service already does conneg for HTML (without any RDF
embedded) and RDF/XML. It has some sort of a templating mechanism to at
least output different representations (aside: at the moment the content
is not equivalent in both of those representations). In any case, this
is a matter of updating the existing HTML template to include RDFa
alongside existing human visible content.

6 RDF browsers were originally linked. None are currently functional. Do
you think that a yet another round of RDF browsers are going to resolve
this issue, indefinitely?

Right now the following URLs are floating out there:

There is virtually no added benefit to managing all of those URI spaces,
where one would reach the same goal. That's a far more complex system
design than it needs to be, both to publish and to consume.

> Moreover, Linked_Data_Browser allows one to browse on the real RDF URI's
> , whereas the RDFa pages are more an artifact on the view side (there
> can be no relation between URI's exported by a RDFa page and the page URL).

Define "real".

Whatever that can be represented in Turtle can be in HTML+RDFa. Provide
a simple Turtle example and I'll show the equivalent in RDFa, and you
can get the isomorphic graph back, and then in Turtle.

> Also, I wanted to stress that RDFa is *not the only way* to offer a
> human readable view of RDF data . HTML + RDF + Turtle, etc, *content
> negotiation* is another way , more in the line of Tim's original view of
> the Semantic Web. For instance , the URL that I mentioned in this thread,
> <>
> can provide Turtle , RDF/XML, JSON-LD or HTML , depending on HTTP
> "Accept" header.
> dbPedia and Wikidata also do this .
Conneg is orthogonal. No one suggested RDFa in HTML is the only way. My
whole point was about describing a simple(st) system that can serve for
humans and machines, which happens to be possible via single URL. No out
of band requirements to discover or manipulate the data.

Turtle or JSON-LD data islands in HTML tend to duplicate information,
and are hidden from human view. Hence, they require additional
processing, like relying on JavaScript or a supplemental server
algorithm to build a "human view" (HTML) eventually. Not to mention that
the processor instructions are not as clear for JSON-LD/Turtle in HTML
as it is for RDFa. There is also the rabbit-hole of handling bnodes and
namespaces across multiple HTML script blocks.

So, why should the server bother to output a Turtle or JSON-LD dump if
it can be equally said to output RDFa in HTML? There are use cases to
include Turtle or JSON-LD, but I just don't think that's the case for
this particular website.


Received on Friday, 16 March 2018 18:29:09 UTC