Searching for Sources of Data on the Web with LODatio+

Dear Semantic Web Community

We are pleased to announce that our Linked Data search engine LODatio+ 
is made available for the community. Started with LODatio some years 
ago, we now have a fully refurbished version with new datasets and user 
interface. The system's stability has also significantly improved, to 
make LODatio+ a reliable source of LOD search.

*What is LODatio+*
LODatio+ is a search engine to locate data sources on the Linked Open 
Data cloud that contain resources of specific types and using specific 
properties. For a certain information need, LODatio will not only return 
the matching data sources but also provide query recommendations to 
generalize or to further narrow down the information need.
LODatio is running as part of the EU project MOVING 
( It is maintained by the Knowledge Discovery 
group at Kiel University and ZBW – Leibniz information center for 
economics in Kiel. It has been initially designed by Thomas Gottron and 
Ansgar Scherp at the Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST) 
at the University of Koblenz-Landau. LODatio currently provides an index 
of the Billion Triple Track of the Semantic Web Challenge 2014.

*How to use LODatio+*
You can use LODatio by formulating your information need as a SPARQL 
query using only types and properties. The example queries provided can 
help you get familiar with these queries. For each query, LODatio will 
provide you with a ranked list of data sources on the Linked Open Data 
cloud that contain data matching the types and properties specified in 
the query. Please note, the current prototype is limited to retrieve 
only the top 10,000 data sources.

*TRY LODatio+ NOW: *

Some example queries with direct link access:

- Find datasources with bibliographic information:

- Query for datasources containing a FOAF knows network:

- Find sources containing research data:

Kind regards,


on behalf of the LODatio+ team:

* Marius Leka
* Henrik Schmidt
* Till Blume
* Iacopo Vagliano
* Ansgar Scherp

Received on Thursday, 22 February 2018 14:38:18 UTC