where is the ledger for linked data?

Or, where is linked data in the ledger? Please consider submitting to our
special issue, "Distributed Ledgers: Making Data Science More Open,
Transparent, and Accountable"


We welcome mature and ongoing work on algorithms, systems, experiments,
benchmarks, and analyses, as well as position statements and visions of
technology addressing, but not limited to, the following issues:

   - Architectures and implementations
   - Consensus algorithms for distributed ledgers
   - Smart contract languages and execution algorithms
   - Smart contract resilience and formal verification
   - Proof-of-work, proof-of-stake and other proof mechanisms
   - Scalability of distributed ledgers
   - Interoperability of DL platforms, and between DLs and other data
   management systems
   - Public and private ledgers
   - Algorithms and approaches to analyse DL data and transactions
   - Digital rights management on the blockchain
   - Distributed payment systems
   - Applications of DLs to facilitate reproducibility, scientific data
   reuse, and self-publishing.
   - Applications of DLs in other domains.

Alexander Garcia

Received on Monday, 13 November 2017 18:47:23 UTC