Dataset metadata best practices

Hi all,

 From reading a bit into dataset meta-data publication and looking at 
some datasets on Datahub, a "best practice" if you will, is to publish 
meta-data (according to a specific vocabulary - void, dcat, dataID etc.) 
as a seperate file along with a dataset.

I have noticed (and I could be wrong) that few datasets also directly 
include this meta-data in say the dump file of the dataset provided. I 
realise that if I want to query the dataset plus the meta-data that I 
could just download and load the dataset set dump and meta-data file 
into a local triple store. However, what If I want to query data from a 
public sparql endpint and this meta-data is not there? For example, the 
DBpedia 2016-04 release includes a DataID meta-data file on its download 
page, but this meta data is not in the public sparql endpoint.

So I am just wondering from the LOD community - is there a relucance to 
publish meta-data in this way or any disadvantage to doing so?

Thank you,

Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2017 14:26:03 UTC