Re: Dealing with distributed nature of Linked Data and SPARQL

Hi Martynas,

Hybrid solutions do exist that can do 3. (see, e.g., [1]). However, 1. 
is definitely the most scalable approach (see, e.g., [2,3]). I'd suggest 
running 1. and 3. in parallel to ensure maximal user satisfaction.



On 08/06/16 14:06, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
> Hey all,
> we are developing software that consumes data both from Linked Data
> and SPARQL endpoints.
> Most of the time, these technologies complement each other. We've come
> across an issue though, which occurs in situations where RDF
> description of the same resources is available using both of them.
> Lest take a resource
> as an example. Its RDF description is available in at least 2
> locations:
> - on a SPARQL endpoint:
> - as Linked Data:
> These descriptions could be identical (I haven't checked), but it is
> more likely than not that they're out of sync, complementary, or
> possibly even contradicting each other, if reasoning is considered.
> If a software agent has access to both the SPARQL endpoint and Linked
> Data resource, what should it consider as the resource description?
> There are at least 3 options:
> 1. prioritize SPARQL description over Linked Data
> 2. prioritize Linked Data description over SPARQL
> 3. merge both descriptions
> I am leaning towards #3 as the sensible solution. But then I think the
> end-user should be informed which part of the description came from
> which source. This would be problematic if the descriptions are
> triples only, but should be doable with quads. That leads to another
> problem however, that both LD and SPARQL responses are under-specified
> in terms of quads.
> What do you think? Maybe this is a well-known issue, in which case
> please enlighten me with some articles :)
> Martynas
> @atomgraphhq

Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 15:33:16 UTC