Re: Mediatypes that map to application/ld+json with a profile

On 2016-07-15 09:44, Ghislain Atemezing wrote:
>> Are there mediatypes that map to application/ld+json with a profile?
>> Only aware of application/activity+json
> Not happy with this content here ?
> Specially this line ?

Thanks Ghislain.

I meant the equivalences that can be made between JSON conventions and 

Is there anything out there that's treating a JSON mediatype with 
application/ld+json + profile?

e.g., application/ld+json; 
profile="" and 
application/activity+json is one of those as far as I know.

Also raised this in GeoJSON-LD since GeoJSON uses application/geo+json:

If any, what else is out there?


Received on Friday, 15 July 2016 14:17:28 UTC