Linked Data Notifications

Hi all,

We are working on a protocol called Linked Data Notifications (LDN) to 
facilitate exchanging messages between applications (senders, receivers, 
and consumers):

It is not dependant on LDP but compatible with existing LDP server 

For an example of one way this can be used, see an annotation on the 
spec itself. This annotation stored in the annotation author's own 
storage; when it was created, a notification was sent to the document's 
inbox according to LDN, and this is also retrieved and used to display it.

LDN is an Editor's Draft at the W3C Social Web Working Group. Folks are 
invited to get involved there at the WG or through the Github (issues):

There is a Gitter chat: and we (csarven 
and rhiaro) are also in #swig on Freenode and #social on and 
happy to discuss/feedback there too.


Received on Monday, 11 July 2016 15:11:53 UTC