Reminder: User Study on Linked Data Summarization

Dear colleagues,

This is a gentle reminder to fulfill the user study on Linked Data Summarization.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you who already took the survey!
Thank you for your time and collaboration!

Please find below details on how to fulfill the survey:

Short explanation of the study

My colleagues and I at University of Milan-Bicocca have developed ABSTAT, a data summarization tool to extract and provide access to schema-based summaries of large linked data sets. The summaries are aimed to let user better understand the structure of a complex data set. The user study is aimed to indirectly evaluate if our summaries can be helpful to understand DBpedia by asking to a user to complete few input SPARQL queries using a DBpedia summary as a means of support. Your participation is a valuable contribution to users, developer and researchers which will help us improve the access to the Semantic Web.

To take part in the study, access the survey at the following link:

We would really appreciate if you could also forward this questionnaire to friends or colleagues working in the same field.

Additional details about the study

Once anonymised, the results of the study will be made public.

This study is designed in three parts and it will take less than 30 minutes.. In the first part you are asked some background questions to profile your expertise with linked data. The second part consists in three query completion tasks. You won't be required to write SPARQL query from scratch but to fill in some blanks with properties and/or concepts in a query template. You can choose to carry out the task in one of two settings to understand the DBpedia structure: 1) accessing ABSTAT summaries and interfaces; 2) accessing the DBpedia ontology through the Web Protégé interface. We want to compare the performance on query completion tasks with two settings, thus both choices are valuable for our study. While in the third part feedback questions will be asked for each query.

If you need more information or have question about this survey, please do not hesitate to contact us at:<>

Thank you very much for your time!
Best regards!
Blerina Spahiu

Received on Monday, 19 December 2016 10:59:37 UTC