Re: Deprecating owl:sameAs

I like the predicate :rewritesTo where

:x :rewritesTo :y .

entails that

:x ?a ?b => :y ?a ?b
?a :x ?b => ?a :y ?b
?a ?b :x => ?a ?b :y

And the "=>" means the second triple REPLACES the original triple.  For
instance this is often done when copying triples from one graph to
another.  This same operation can be done on triples that appear in a
SPARQL query.

The above accomplishes what people are trying to accomplish with owl:sameAs
with the difference that it 'works' in the sense that it doesn't cause the
number of entailments to explode.  If you are one of the few and the proud
who care if they get useful results to SPARQL queries it is a good way to
maintain a "UNA bubble" and seems to be a rather complete solution to the
problem of merging concepts.

now :sameButDifferent is a more complex one,  although the likes of count
Korzybski would maintain that

?a owl:sameAs ?a

is not necessarily true since ?a can be inevitably split into sub concepts.
 ("i.e. the number 2 that belongs to the emperor",  "the number 2 that,
 from a long ways away,  looks like a fly")

Concept splits are a different issue because you need a rule base or other
procedure to look a concept + surrounding relationships and decide how to
do the split.  It is very doable but it takes more than one triple to
express it.

On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Sarven Capadisli <> wrote:

> There is overwhelming research [1, 2, 3] and I think it is evident at this
> point that owl:sameAs is used inarticulately in the LOD cloud.
> The research that I've done makes me conclude that we need to do a massive
> sweep of the LOD cloud and adopt owl:sameSameButDifferent.
> I think the terminology is human-friendly enough that there will be
> minimal confusion down the line, but for the the pedants among us, we can
> define it along the lines of:
> The built-in OWL property owl:sameSameButDifferent links things to things.
> Such an owl:sameSameButDifferent statement indicates that two URI
> references actually refer to the same thing but may be different under some
> circumstances.
> Thoughts?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> -Sarven

Paul Houle

*Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems,
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Received on Friday, 1 April 2016 13:31:58 UTC