2nd OPEN KNOWLEDGE OPEN ARTS WORKSHOP (OKOA16) - Call for presentation proposals

Apologies for cross-posting.

The OKOA scientific committee invites submission of abstracts for its 
2016 workshop that this year will be focused on any aspect of open 


"A world where knowledge creates power for the many, not the few.
A world where data frees us - to make informed choices about how we live,
what we buy and who gets our vote.
A world where information and insights are accessible - and apparent - 
to everyone.
This is the world we choose."

This statement, reported in the Open Knowledge Foundation web site, 
summarizes very well
the thought and the aims of the Open Knowledge Movement. The Cultural 
Heritage Knowledge
and his open dissemination is an important right and in fact occupies a 
position within the international human right discussion.

Why? Because a deep understanding of cultural heritage can provide 
people right instruments
to support social, scientific, technical and cultural progress, to 
improve themselves and being “free”.

How do We reach this goal?
In our opinion, only believing in the 'open thinking' principle. It 
implies, indeed, an open
and total access to the cultural heritage and to data, studies and 
documents produced about it.
So, the aim of the Open Knowledge Open Arts workshop is to investigate 
how the open sharing
of the data, in a readable form for all people and with no limitation 
reuse can help research,
production and fruition of Cultural Heritage.

WHEN: 26 February 2016
WHERE: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Catania 
(Città Universitaria, polo scientifico di via S. Sofia)
CONTACT:  Cristiano Longo longo@dmi.unict.it


For the 2016 workshop, contributions that address the following topics 
are welcome and not limited to:

- Open Data in Archaeology: prospective, possibilities and applications 
(Manifesto, platforms, portals, formats, ...);
- sharing and interaction between geographical open data and cultural 
heritage (for example with Web Gis);
- legal aspects about the definition of "sensitive data" applied on 
cultural heritage;
- creative works and intellectual property (thesis, research and 
- knowledge management about cultural heritage in Education: from the 
classroom to the public space;
- lifelong learning strategies and practices concerning cultural 
heritage in the digital domain;
- any other topics inherent Open Data.

Types of Proposals

Proposals may be of two types: (1) short presentations; (2) full 
presentations. Based on
peer review and its mandate to create a balanced and varied program, the 
Program Committee may offer
acceptance in a different category from the one initially proposed. 
Papers  may be given in English, and Italian.

1) Short presentations
Short paper proposals (500  words) are appropriate for reporting on 
experiments or work in progress, or for describing
newly conceived tools or software in early stages of development. This 
category of presentation will have a length held to
5 minutes each in order to allow time for questions.

2) Full presentations
Proposals for full presentations (500 words) are appropriate for: 
substantial, completed, and previously unpublished
research; reports on the development of significant new methodologies or 
digital resources; and/or rigorous theoretical,
speculative, or critical discussions. Individual papers will be 
allocated 20 minutes for presentation.

The deadline for submitting proposals for short and full presentations 
to the OKOA workshop is midnight GMT, 10 December, 2015.
Presenters will be notified of acceptance by 31 December, 2015.

A link to the online abstract submission system is available here on 
EASYCHAIR platform

After the conference, authors will be asked to submit a paper for the 
pubblication according to the guidelines that will be given.
According to OKOA16 presentations there will be space both for short 
papers and full papers.

The workshop partecipation is free. Please fill the online schedule to 
the event in order to better organization.


- 10/12/2016 Deadline for submission of abstracts
- 31/12/2016 Notification of acceptance
- 31/01/2016 Deadline for on - line registration for #OKOA16
- 26/02/2016 Conference Day

Follow #OKOA16 on

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 09:08:27 UTC