DBpedia-based RDF dumps for Wikidata

Dear all,

Following up on the early prototype we announced earlier [1] we are happy
to announce a consolidated Wikidata RDF dump based on DBpedia.
(Disclaimer: this work is not related or affiliated with the official
Wikidata RDF dumps)

We provide:
 * sample data for preview http://wikidata.dbpedia.org/downloads/sample/
 * a complete dump with over 1 Billion triples:
 * a  SPARQL endpoint: http://wikidata.dbpedia.org/sparql
 * a Linked Data interface: http://wikidata.dbpedia.org/resource/Q586

Using the wikidata dump from March we were able to retrieve more that 1B
triples, 8.5M typed things according to the DBpedia ontology along with 48M
transitive types, 6.4M coordinates and 1.5M depictions. A complete report
for this effort can be found here:

The extraction code is now fully integrated in the DBpedia Information
Extraction Framework.

We are eagerly waiting for your feedback and your help in improving the
DBpedia to Wikidata mapping coverage


Ali Ismayilov, Dimitris Kontokostas, Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann, Sebastian


Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://http://aligned-project.eu
Research Group: http://aksw.org

Received on Friday, 15 May 2015 10:29:52 UTC