- From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com>
- Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 08:48:54 -0400
- To: public-lod@w3.org
- Message-ID: <554CB0B6.1010609@openlinksw.com>
On 5/8/15 6:04 AM, Svensson, Lars wrote: >> >Remember, XML basically blurred the lines of what an HTTP URI is about >> >by its proliferation of HTTP URIs that didn't resolve i.e., you had >> >denotation without connotation (what you get with identification by way >> >of name->description-document based indirection). > If two agents can agree on common URIs for the same entities we can at least figure out that two documents served by those talk about the same thing just by comparing the URIs, even if we as a third party don't know exactly what they denote (since there is no description, because the two original agents negotiated that through email). Lars, I am responding to the comment in a way that demonstrates my fundamental points. Hopefully, it will become self-explanatory. { @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix sioc: <http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> . @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> . @prefix schema: <http://schema.org/> . @prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> . @prefix gr: <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#> . @prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> . @prefix wdrs: <http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder-s#> . @prefix vocab: <http://rdf.ontology2.com/vocab#> . @prefix oplmkt: <http://www.openlinksw.com/ontology/market#> . @prefix oplstocks: <http://www.openlinksw.com/ontology/stocks#> . @prefix dbpedia: <http://dbpedia.org/resource/> . @prefix xhv: <http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#> . <> a schema:WebPage ; rdfs:label "Identity Reconciliation & Semantics" ; schema:creator <https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about#this> ; schema:about <#you>, <#i>, <#kidehen-comment-1>, <#kidehen-comment-2>, <#kidehen-comment-3>, <#kidehen-comment-4>; rdfs:comment """ The statements that follow, constructed using Turtle (one of many notations for writing RDF Language statements) can be serialized to persistent storage (what documents provide e.g., this mail exchange persisted to the mailing list server) using a variety of data serialization formats. The entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are the subjects or relations represented by RDF statements in the statements that follow. Put differently, the entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are associated with a collection of attribute=value pairings represented by the RDF statements that follow. """ ; skos:related <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311936/what-is-the-difference-between-equality-and-equivalence>, <http://kingsley.idehen.net/DAV/home/kidehen/Public/Linked%20Data%20Documents/Tutorials/description-of-identity-related-post-lod-list.ttl> ; xhv:alternate <http://kingsley.idehen.net/sparql?query=define%20sql%3Adescribe-mode%20%22LOD%22%20%20DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fkingsley.idehen.net%2FDAV%2Fhome%2Fkidehen%2FPublic%2FLinked%2520Data%2520Documents%2FTutorials%2Fdescription-of-identity-related-post-lod-list.ttl%3E&output=application%2Frdf%2Bxml>, <http://kingsley.idehen.net/sparql?query=define%20sql%3Adescribe-mode%20%22LOD%22%20%20DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fkingsley.idehen.net%2FDAV%2Fhome%2Fkidehen%2FPublic%2FLinked%2520Data%2520Documents%2FTutorials%2Fdescription-of-identity-related-post-lod-list.ttl%3E&output=application%2Fld%2Bjson> . <http://kingsley.idehen.net/sparql?query=define%20sql%3Adescribe-mode%20%22LOD%22%20%20DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fkingsley.idehen.net%2FDAV%2Fhome%2Fkidehen%2FPublic%2FLinked%2520Data%2520Documents%2FTutorials%2Fdescription-of-identity-related-post-lod-list.ttl%3E&output=application%2Frdf%2Bxml> a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "RDF/XML Variant of this Document" ; schema:creator <https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about#this> ; schema:about <#you>, <#i>, <#kidehen-comment-1>, <#kidehen-comment-2>, <#kidehen-comment-3>, <#kidehen-comment-4>; rdfs:comment """ The statements that follow, constructed using Turtle (one of many notations for writing RDF Language statements) can be serialized to persistent storage (what documents provide e.g., this mail exchange persisted to the mailing list server) using a variety of data serialization formats. The entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are the subjects or relations represented by RDF statements in the statements that follow. Put differently, the entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are associated with a collection of attribute=value pairings represented by the RDF statements that follow. """ . <http://kingsley.idehen.net/sparql?query=define%20sql%3Adescribe-mode%20%22LOD%22%20%20DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fkingsley.idehen.net%2FDAV%2Fhome%2Fkidehen%2FPublic%2FLinked%2520Data%2520Documents%2FTutorials%2Fdescription-of-identity-related-post-lod-list.ttl%3E&output=application%2Fld%2Bjson> a schema:WebPage, foaf:Document; rdfs:label "JSON-LD Variant of this Document" ; schema:creator <https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about#this> ; schema:about <#you>, <#i>, <#kidehen-comment-1>, <#kidehen-comment-2>, <#kidehen-comment-3>, <#kidehen-comment-4>; rdfs:comment """ The statements that follow, constructed using Turtle (one of many notations for writing RDF Language statements) can be serialized to persistent storage (what documents provide e.g., this mail exchange persisted to the mailing list server) using a variety of data serialization formats. The entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are the subjects or relations represented by RDF statements in the statements that follow. Put differently, the entities identified by <#you> and <#i> are associated with a collection of attribute=value pairings represented by the RDF statements that follow. """ . ## Description of You and I <#you> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Svensson Lars" ; foaf:mbox <mailto:L.Svensson@dnb.de> . <#i> a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Kingsley Idehen" ; foaf:mbox <mailto:kidehen@openlinksw.com> ; owl:sameAs <https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about#this>, <http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this>. <#kidehen-comment-1> a schema:Comment ; rdfs:label "Comment 1" ; schema:about dbpedia:Notation, <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Identity_(philosophy)> ; schema:comment """ The notation used to construct RDF Language sentence/statements in a document and the serialization formats used for persistent storage, are distinct. Basically, the entities identified by the identifiers <#you> and <#i> can be described using identical sentences/statements using different notations, and persisted to a variety of document types, non of which actually changes the nature of what <#you> and <#i> identify. """ . <#kidehen-comment-2> a schema:Comment ; rdfs:label "Comment 2" ; schema:about rdf:, owl:, dbpedia:Semantics ; schema:comment """ To know that <#i> and <https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about#this> identify the same entity, an RDF Language processor that understands relations semantics (e.g., those described by the OWL vocabulary of terms) simply applies reasoning and inference to the semantics (meaning) of the owl:sameAs relation (which is about equivalence [1] rather than equality). Likewise, it could also use the semantics of the foaf:mbox relation (which is inverse-functional in nature) to discern the fact that <#i> is identified by many other identifiers. """ . <#kidehen-comment-3> a schema:Comment ; schema:about dbpedia:World_Wide_Web, dbpedia:Representational_state_transfer ; rdfs:label "Comment 3" ; schema:comment """ Conflating document content and identity issues is an unfortunate quirk that overshadows most REST and so called "Web Programmer" narratives. Hence the problematic fixation with content-types (media types) rather than the more fine-grained issues of identity, identification, relations, semantics, notation, and serialization which are handled by RDF. Naturally, we could continue to work on improving RDF literature so that a lot of these issues become even clearer. """ . <#kidehen-comment-4> a schema:Comment ; rdfs:label "Comment 4" ; schema:about dbpedia:World_Wide_Web, rdf:, owl:, dbpedia:Semantics ; schema:comment """ The nature of the entities identified by identifiers <#you> and <#i> are unaffected by the content-types of documents through which they are described. What matters are the semantics of the relations (represented using sentences/statements) used to construct entity descriptions. """ . } Hope this live example helps, in regards to understanding the issue at hand. Basically, what a document describes is distinct from the shape and form of its content. -- Regards, Kingsley Idehen Founder & CEO OpenLink Software Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com Personal Weblog 1: http://kidehen.blogspot.com Personal Weblog 2: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen Twitter Profile: https://twitter.com/kidehen Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/+KingsleyIdehen/about LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this
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Received on Friday, 8 May 2015 12:49:17 UTC