RE: linked open data and PDF

I wrote:
> > Image formats like JPEG and PNG (for which there
> > is support for XMP) don't have a standard, uniform
> > way of attaching other files, though, so allowing
> > data (or a pointer to external data) in the XMP
> > would broaden the applicability.

And Michael Brunnbauer replied:
 > I am right that such a pointer to external data would have to be a literal?
> The way I read the XMP standard is that only literals, blank nodes,   rdf:Bag and rdf:Seq are allowed as object of a triple.

No, URI is allowed as a simple type in XMP, so I think all you need is a Linked Data schema.
But XMP uses rdf:Bag with named components to hold structures, and the ResourceRef structure can be used to link documents by the InstanceID GUID as well as file location (ManageFrom). has some examples.

> This would rule out standard options like:
>   <this_document> rdfs:seealso <rdf_document_about_pdf_document>
>   <this_document> owl:sameAs <pdf_document_uri>
> Which would enable agents to find and regognize RDF data about the
> document.

      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
         <pdf:Producer>Microsoft® Excel® 2013</pdf:Producer>
         <xmp:CreatorTool>Microsoft® Excel® 2013</xmp:CreatorTool>

Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 23:04:10 UTC