Re: SPARQLES usage

> Thanks for reaching out, and for providing this great service!

> These things could make my experience better:
> - I don't fully understand the "availability" graph, i.e. why it doesn't
> add up to 100%.
>   Perhaps it can be made clearer—and could it also be made up-to-date?
> - Could the availability / performance / … pages be sortable?
> - When I click a particular endpoint, I reach its status page.
>   (i.e.
> )
>   On that status page, it would be nice if I could click through the
> actual endpoint.
> - Maybe basic statistics on an endpoint, when available, would be
> interesting (triple count etc.).

I remember the predecessor (Mondeca Endpoint Status) published this kind of
information as well. This was quite useful for other tools (e.g. YASGUI
It would be great if you managed to publish this kind of data again!
(either via SPARQL, or for instance using a Linked Data Fragment

gr Laurens


VU University Amsterdam

Faculty of Exact Sciences

Department of Computer Science

De Boelelaan 1081 A

1081 HV Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Visiting address:

De Boelelaan 1081

Science Building Room T312

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2015 10:59:09 UTC