Re: Discovering a query endpoint associated with a given Linked Data resource

Hi Nandana, all,

> I wonder if it is possible to have a hybrid approach in which the dereferenceable Linked Data resources that optionally advertise query endpoint(s) in a standard way so that the clients can perform queries on related data. 

For me, the answer is always self-descriptiveness.
I thus agree with Hugh's premise: it should be in the document.
If you want to tell a client it can do a certain thing,
just tell the client it can do a certain thing.

For instance, if we want to say
"you can find data about
 in the collection,
 which you can query as Triple Pattern Fragments",
we should just convert this sentence to RDF and add it
to representations of

  <> hydra:member <>;
    hydra:search [
        hydra:mapping [ hydra:variable "subject"; hydra:property rdf:subject ],
        hydra:mapping [ hydra:variable "predicate"; hydra:property rdf:predicate ],
        hydra:mapping [ hydra:variable "object"; hydra:property rdf:object ],

In that case, the only thing we need to standardize on is the hypermedia vocabulary.
I believe in such in-band, RDF-based "being explicit to clients" approaches much more
than specific conventions standardized in human-readable specification document.

If you think about it, being explicit is also how we do it on the human Web.
How would you tell a human it can query your website in a certain way?
Well, you would just say that—and provide the controls to do so :-)



Received on Thursday, 27 August 2015 11:14:21 UTC