Re: testable properties of repositories that could be used to rate them

On 15/09/14 09:25, Hugh Glaser wrote:

>> I've greyed out the 'everything' requirement, since I'm not sure that 'everything' is script-testable.
> Yes, I was puzzling over that (how it could be made scriptable).
> Certainly quite a lot of the other things in the list make assumptions about repository identifiers being available - otherwise how can you get started, or ask if dc:title is used, for example?
> So how do you find the repository identifiers in a scriptable manner?
> Let’s assume that there is no OAI-PMH support, for example.

In the community in which I am working (and which this list grew out of) 
'repository' is effectively defined as a document-full website with a 
working OAI-PMH feed and the backing of a long-lived institution or 
organisation. Without an OAI-PMH feed, the answer is 'get an OAI-PMH feed.'

> So for this, maybe I could move it to after number 3 (where we know there is RDF) and then I could list the predicates that must have URIs (rather than strings)?
>> I've grey'ed out the content negotiation requirements since I'm not aware that any repositories or prototypes that try and do this (I'm happy to be corrected).
> The standard ePrints 3 software supports content negotiation - e.g.

I've un-greyed this item. (I confess that most of the input into the 
document so-far has come from the dspace world)

I've recast most of this in the document. I've not gone for exact 
reflection of what the design doc says, but script-testable 
easily-understandable items that encourage useful steps towards best 


Received on Monday, 15 September 2014 10:35:08 UTC