A blind folded entity summary comparison

This is for a research system evaluation. Please take 5 - 10 minutes to
give your feedback on selecting the better system summary for RDF
entities. These summaries are created on top of DBpedia entity
descriptions. You have to select the better summary for each entity.
Please participate in the survey only once. Thank you in advance.

You have to select the best system summary of the given two systems for
each entity. Each summary contains 5 facts selected from its DBpedia
description and represented here using <property>:-:<value> format.
Full URIs are not presented here for clarity. Select the summary that
you think is better between the two systems for each of the entities.
Wikipedia article page of each entity is mentioned in the heading to
help you identify the entity if you are not familiar with it.

I've invited you to fill out the form A blind folded entity summary
comparison. To fill it out, visit:

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2014 00:35:33 UTC