ISWC 2014 Replication, Benchmark, Data and Software Track: Deadline Approaching

Deadline Approaching Replication, Benchmark, Data and Software Track


The 13th International Semantic Web Conference

19-23 October 2014, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy


Science, to a large degree is like building a house of ideas on the
foundations laid by others. In some scientific disciplines the laying of
foundations is explicitly seen as part of the innovative activity of the
discipline. In the Semantic Web and Linked Data field there has been a bias
towards presenting novel ideas in research papers. The goal of the
Replication, Benchmark and Data Track is to cater the reviewing and paper
evaluation process towards the specific needs of papers that make useful
contributions without proving a hypothesis or making a novel contribution.
Specifically, this track seeks work in the following areas:

Replication focuses on replicating a prior published approach in order to
shed light on some important, possibly overlooked aspect. Replicating a
result, or failing to, is a useful contribution to our collective
knowledge, and good replication papers will challenge some previously
accepted trusim, expose some limitation in the assumptions or confounds
chosen, or confirm (or question) the internal validity of the results. For
  * Jens Dittrich, Lukas Blunschi, and Marcos Antonio Vaz Salles. 2008.
Dwarfs in the rearview mirror: how big are they really?. VLDB Endow. 1, 2
(August 2008). []
Review Criteria: Is the replicated work significant, has it been done
before, was there an important/relevant lesson to be learned from the
replication, were hidden assumptions of the original experiment exposed?

Benchmarks make available to the community a new class of resources,
metrics or software that can be used to measure the performance of systems
in some dimension. Any data and software should be made public through a
reasonable access mechanism, to enable the community to use it. Ideally a
benchmark paper will also provide some baseline of performance, or may
further serve the community by surveying the performance of existing
systems according to the benchmark. The key here would be that the systems
evaluated are not being presented in the paper as the contribution. For
  * Guo, Yuanbo, Heflin, Jeff and Pan, Zhengxiang . Benchmarking DAML+OIL
Repositories. ISWC 2003. []
Review Criteria: Does the benchmark measure something significant (is it
relevant and sufficiently general), are the proposed performance metrics
sufficiently broad and relevant, is there already a similar benchmark (if
yes, how does it differ), can others use the data and software, how can it
advance the state of the art, if a survey was done, was the coverage of
systems reasonable, or were any obvious choices missing?

Data introduces an important data set to the community. This highly
important task is often difficult to publish, as its main contribution lies
in providing others the means for accomplishing their goals. Even though
dbpedia and wordnet are some of the most valuable and widely used resources
in our community, and have made an invaluable contribution to our science,
they were very difficult to publish as papers. For example:
  * S Auer, C Bizer, G Kobilarov, J Lehmann, R Cyganiak, Z Ives. Dbpedia: A
nucleus for a web of open data. ISWC 2007. []
Review Criteria: Is there a similar data source? Is the source of interest
to the semantic web community (and society in general)? Is the source
semantic, linked, etc.? Does it use URIs. Is it available to the community?
Was the data used for something scientific, practical, etc.? Is the data
likely to be repurposed for other uses?

We encourage the authors to carefully read the calls for the other tracks,
the Research track, the  In Use track and the Industry track and consider
submitting to the most
appropriate track. Multiple submissions of the same paper to different
tracks are not acceptable.


All topics addressed in any of the other ISWC tracks that present work
without a clear hypothesis or novelty, but that present Replication,
Benchmark, or Data studies are of interest to this track.


Pre-submission of abstracts is a strict requirement. All papers and
abstracts have to be submitted electronically via the EasyChair conference
submission System at

All research submissions must be in English, and no longer than 16 pages.
Papers that exceed this limit will be rejected without review. Submissions
must be in PDF formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format
for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS
style, see Springer’s Author Instructions. ISWC-2014 submissions are not

Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations
for the abstract of their submission, which will be made available on the
conference web site. Details will be provided at the time of acceptance.

Accepted papers will be distributed to conference attendees and also
published by Springer in the printed conference proceedings, as part of the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. At least one author of each
accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.


ISWC 2014 will not accept research papers that, at the time of submission,
are under review for or have already been published in or accepted for
publication in a journal or another conference.
The conference organizers may share information on submissions with other
venues to ensure that this rule is not violated.


Authors of accepted papers are invited to submit also a poster or a demo to
the Posters and Demo track. The submission format is the same as for normal
poster and demo submissions but the submission must cite the corresponding
paper from the research track.


  * Abstracts: May 1, 2014
  * Full Paper Submission: May 9, 2014
  * Author Rebuttals: June 9-11, 2014
  * Notifications: July 3, 2014
  * Camera-Ready Versions: August 1, 2014
  * Conference: October 19-23, 2014

All deadlines are Hawaii time.


Abraham Bernstein, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Chris Welty, IBM Research, USA

Received on Friday, 2 May 2014 16:31:32 UTC