Re: How to avoid that collections "break" relationships

Hi Markus,

How about this:

</markus/friends/> rdfs:subClassOf schema:Person .
</alice> a </markus/friends/> .
</markus> schema:knows </alice> .

Vuk Milicic

On 24 Mar 2014, at 16:24, Markus Lanthaler <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have an interesting discussion in the Hydra W3C Community Group [1]
> regarding collections and would like to hear more opinions and ideas. I'm
> sure this is an issue a lot of Linked Data applications face in practice.
> Let's assume we want to build a Web API that exposes information about
> persons and their friends. Using, your data would look somewhat
> like this:
>  </markus> a schema:Person ;
>            schema:knows </alice> ;
>            ...
>            schema:knows </zorro> .
> All this information would be available in the document at /markus (please
> let's not talk about hash URLs etc. here, ok?). Depending on the number of
> friends, the document however may grow too large. Web APIs typically solve
> that by introducing an intermediary (paged) resource such as
> /markus/friends/. In we have ItemList to do so:
>  </markus> a schema:Person ;
>            schema:knows </markus/friends/> .
>  </markus/friends/> a schema:ItemList ;
>            schema:itemListElement </alice> ;
>            ...
>            schema: itemListElement </zorro> .
> This works, but has two problems:
>  1) it breaks the /markus --[knows]--> /alice relationship
>  2) it says that /markus --[knows]--> /markus/friends
> While 1) can easily be fixed, 2) is much trickier--especially if we consider
> cases that don't use with its "weak semantics" but a vocabulary
> that uses rdfs:range, such as FOAF. In that case, the statement
>  </markus> foaf:knows </markus/friends/> .
> and the fact that
>  foaf:knows rdfs:range foaf:Person .
> would yield to the "wrong" inference that /markus/friends is a foaf:Person.
> How do you deal with such cases?
> How is intended to be used in cases like these? Is the above use
> of ItemList sensible or is this something that should better be avoided?
> Thanks,
> Markus
> P.S.: I'm aware of how LDP handles this issue, but, while I generally like
> the approach it takes, I don't like that fact that it imposes a specific
> interaction model.
> [1]
> --
> Markus Lanthaler
> @markuslanthaler

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 10:34:07 UTC