RE: Re: Encoding an incomplete date as xsd:dateTime

Simon, all,

> There's already a slight problem in vCard's treatment of bday; it
> includes  xsd:gYear, which is not permitted in OWL2-DL, and it does not
> include xsd:string, which is available, and which is required by the RFC.

If I declare the use of xsd:gYear in my ontology, can I use it then? I'm not familiar enough with OWL to answer that question myself, but the way I read ยง9.4 of the OWL syntax [1] I can use any datatype. Can someone more familiar with this topic shed some light on this?

> OWL2-DL allows for facets on dataTime  to specify a minimum and maximum
> time point value, which can be used in restrictions on individuals to yield the
> appropriate models;  however, this approach is not ideal. 

What would an ideal approach look like?




Received on Thursday, 26 June 2014 10:11:59 UTC