Javascript one-liner (or two) to upgrade your endpoint interface

Just a mail to spread the word about two new libraries I made: YASQE
<> (Yet Another SPARQL Query Editor) and YASR
<> (Yet Another SPARQL Resultset GUI).
Both originate from the YASGUI <> tool I
wrote a while ago, which is a feature-rich SPARQL GUI, with which you can
access any SPARQL endpoint.

I've been rewriting the YASGUI codebase from the ground up, and started
with the two main parts: the query editor and visualization of SPARQL
results. Both are available now as JS libraries: as a result, you are able
to upgrade your (often austere) SPARQL interface, by including these
libraries, and executing some simple JS initialization commands.

Both libraries are completely client-side, and are quite customizable and
extendable. The list of features include:

   - Syntax highlighting and checking
   - Prefix autocompletion (using, and property/class
   autocompletion (using the lov API
   <>). You can configure YASQE to
   use other completions as well.
   - Supports executing queries via ajax requests
   - Share your query with others
   - Use keyboard shortcuts


   - Handles any SPARQL resultset (XML/JSON/CSV/TSV)
   - Automatically fetch URI labels (shown when you hover over URIs), using
   the API <>
   - Plugin-based: Add your own visualizations to YASR (ot even better:
   submit a pull request in order to incorporate it in YASR)

Combining YASQE and YASR is straight forward, as this gist
<> shows

Have any questions or feedback, let me know

Best, Laurens


VU University Amsterdam

Faculty of Exact Sciences

Department of Computer Science

De Boelelaan 1081 A

1081 HV Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Visiting address:

De Boelelaan 1081

Science Building Room T312

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2014 14:11:18 UTC