Re: [Ann] WebVOWL 0.3 - Visualize your ontology on the web

Thank you, Colin. I am glad to hear that. Your RDFS ontology looks 
indeed quite nice in WebVOWL.

Have fun with it,

On 22.12.2014 13:48, Colin Maudry wrote:
> Great job!
> I'm particularly happy because it shows good support for an RDFS 
> ontology 
> (
> Lately I see new tools that mostly support OWL ontologies, so thanks a 
> lot!
> Colin Maudry
> @CMaudry

Dr. Steffen Lohmann . Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS)
University of Stuttgart . Universitaetstrasse 38 . D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685-88438 .

Received on Tuesday, 23 December 2014 16:40:22 UTC