Re: Updated LOD Cloud Diagram - First draft and last feedback.

Hi Kingsley,

Thank you for your reply.

 > Do you have a SPARQL endpoint that supports the SPARQL Query Protocol?


You are right that its SPARQL Endpoin is <>.

The below is its SPARQL API Specication in English, for your information.

Best regards,


YOKO Shibata
National Diet Library, Japan

(2014/08/15 18:20), Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 8/15/14 9:43 AM, Yoko SHIBATA wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thank you for updating the diagram.
>> I would like to add the following dataset.
>> Web NDL Authorities
>> When the dataset was included in the 2011 versions of the LOD Cloud
>> diagram, it was categorized as "publications" instead of "government".
>> This dataset is included in these tables, though not included in "Not
>> " crawlable table.
>> I wonder why this dataset is not included in the updated diagram and I
>> don't know what to do.
>> So, if possible, I would like to add the dataset as "publications"
>> category to the new version of the diagram, because it is interlinked
>> with VIAF, whose category is "publications".
> Hi Yoko,
> Bearing in mind
> <*+where+%7B%3Fs+%3Fp+%3Fo%7D+limit+10&output=htmltab>
> .
> Do you have a SPARQL endpoint that supports the SPARQL Query Protocol?
> If so, what should I put into this SPARQL-FED query template:
> WHERE {SERVICE <{sparql-endpoint-uri}>
>          {SELECT *
>           WHERE { ?Entity ?Relation ?EntityType} limit 50
>         }
>        }
> I assume:
>          {SELECT *
>           WHERE { ?Entity ?Relation ?EntityType} limit 50
>         }
>        }

Received on Friday, 15 August 2014 10:03:47 UTC