Re: SemStats 2014 Call for Challenge

On 2014-08-06 21:17, Gannon Dick wrote:
> Hi Sarven,
> The US Census Bureau has piles of data available via an API.
> You need a key.  I do not see anything in the terms of service about citizenship
> I think the "key" motivation is to avoid DOS attacks.  The US Census Bureau is known for it's uncharacteristic moments of lucidity with respect to Government Work.
> Economic Data release in the US has always been a sensitive subject.  The problems arose about a decade before the European Union, oops, I meant the Congress of Vienna ;-)
> The story is here:
> This document also explains in detail exactly what they mean by "Statistical Safeguards" for non-disclosure of confidential business information.
> --Gannon

Hi Gannon, thank you for the heads-up on US Census Bureau data and summary.

The challenge is intended to be flexible about the statistical datasets 
which can be used. If anyone would like to use US Census Bureau data or 
some other Census data by legal and reusable means, they are welcome to 
do so for the Census track. Same holds true for the Open track with the 
restriction on Census data being lifted. We have merely highlighted only 
some of the datasets/dataspaces out there as examples.


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2014 13:35:34 UTC