What is the correct approximate number of LOD datasets?

   I want to know for documentation purposes, what is the correct
approximate number of LOD datasets available. As I can see, I can get
statistics from 2 sources.

(1) CKAN (DataHub) lod cloud group, which is used to draw the LOD cloud
diagram has now *340* datasets listed. http://datahub.io/group/lodcloud

(2) LODStats web site mentions there are 2289 datasets but only
*870*datasets have no problems.

It would be nice if somebody knows what statistics are better to use and
correct in terms on Linked Open Data cloud of datasets.

Kalpa Gunaratna
*Home Page* <http://knoesis.wright.edu/researchers/kalpa/>*
* *Blog <http://kalpagunaratna.wordpress.com/>*
@Kno.e.sis <http://knoesis.org/> - Ohio Center of Excellence in
Knowledge-enabled Computing

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 18:33:12 UTC