Re: How to publish SPARQL endpoint limits/metadata?

Hi All,

Actually in the endpoint I use VOID to
describe the contents of the named graphs see the attached example.
Which would allow a user to determine which predicates and classes are
used in the named graph.
How large it is etc...

But we don't have a way to say "queries must finish within 120
seconds, put requests will work until the sparql query is 700 chars,
afterwards use post".
If "120 seconds is not enough then use webid to login to get 2 hours".
If you need us to do a service call then you need webid login plus
answering a captcha as well as a clearly set user-agent string. Per
client download bandwith is limited to 200kb/s etc...

Ok we don't have that granularity in the setup yet but we would love
to have this.

We would also like to have a pointer to the documentation for humans.


@prefix void: <> .
@prefix : <> .

    void:classPartition <#_named_database!:Citation>,
<#_named_database!:Database> ;
    void:classes "2"^^<> ;
    void:propertyPartition <#_named_database!:UrlTemplate>,
<#_named_database!:abbreviation>, <#_named_database!:category>,
<#_named_database!:citation>, <#_named_database!:linkIsExplicit>,
!:name>, <#_named_database!identifier>, <#_named_database!owl:sameAs>,
<#_named_database!rdf:type>, <#_named_database!rdfs:comment>,
<#_named_database!rdfs:label>, <#_named_database!skos:exactMatch> ;
    void:triples "1685"^^<> ;
    a :Graph .

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Barry Norton <> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:15 PM, Hugh Glaser <> wrote:
>> [...]
>> So having a separation between SPARQL Service Description and voiD would
>> just be plain wrong.
>> They must embrace each other, so that consumers can easily work out how to
>> use what they think of as a "dataset".
>> I would also add that if I take a REST-like view of the world, which I do
>> for accessing a SPARQL endpoint (I am simply retrieving a document), the
>> distinction between dataset and service becomes very blurred.
>> Even calling it a "SPARQL Service Description" seems rather old-fashioned
>> to me.
> Hugh, I tend to agree (certainly about calling them 'service descriptions',
> ugh). From a REST point of view, void:Datasets, named graphs (capable of
> RESTful interaction via Graph Store Protocol) and SPARQL query/update
> 'endpoints' (ugh again) are all resources that allow one to find other, more
> specific, resources.
> That said if we accept that one needs some up-front guidance on what those
> resources allow you to get to (a big 'if', if the REST community, but I
> don't think anyone in ours would be happy with just a media type) then we
> want them to be self-describing in RDF. At the same time, the relationships
> we want to attach to the query/update endpoints are semi-distinct, no? You'd
> agree these are different classes of resource?
> Barry

Jerven Bolleman

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 12:11:38 UTC