Re: Dumb SPARQL query problem

Hi Hugh,

A little correction and a further question . . .

On 11/23/2013 10:17 AM, Hugh Glaser wrote:
> Pleasure.
> Actually, I found this:
> I said it is a pig’s breakfast because you never know what the RDF publisher has decided to do, and need to try everything.
> So to match strings efficiently you need to do (at least) four queries:
> “cat”
> “cat”@en
> “cat”^^xsd:string

Is that still true in SPARQL 1.1?  In Turtle "cat" means the exact same 
thing as "cat"^^xsd:string:

But this section of SPARQL 1.1 Section 4.1.2 "Syntax for Literals" has 
no mention of them being the same:

Anyone (Andy?) know whether this was fixed in SPARQL 1.1?  I thought 
SPARQL 1.1 and Turtle had been pretty well aligned.

> “cat”@en^^xsd:string or “cat”^^xsd:string@en - I can’t remember which is right, but I think it’s only one of them :-)

Neither is allowed.  You can have *either* a language tag *or* a 
datatype, but not both:

But dealing with the difference between "cat" and "cat"@en is still a 
problem, as explained here:

This would have been fixed if the RDF model had been changed to 
represent the language tag as an additional triple, but whether this 
would have been a net benefit to the community is still an open 
question, as it would add the complexity of additional triples.


> Of course if you are matching in SPARQL you can use “… ?o . FILTER (str(?o) = “cat”)…”, but that its likely to be much slower.
> This means that you may need to do a lot of queries.
> I built something to look for matching strings (of course! - finding sameAs candidates) where the RDF had been gathered from different sources.
> Something like
> SELECT ?a ?b WHERE { ?a ?p1 ?s . ?b ?p2 ?s }
> would have been nice.
> I’ll leave it as an exercise to the reader to work out how many queries it takes to genuinely achieve the desired effect without using FILTER and str.
> Unfortunately it seems that recent developments have not been much help here, but I may be wrong:
> I guess that the truth is that other people don’t actually build systems that follow your nose to arbitrary Linked Data resources, so they don’t worry about it?
> Or am I missing something obvious, and people actually have a good way around this?
> To me the problem all comes because knowledge is being represented outside the triple model.
> And also because of the XML legacy of RDF, even though everyone keeps saying that is only a serialisation of an abstract model.
> Ah well, back in my box.
> Cheers.
> On 23 Nov 2013, at 11:00, Richard Light <> wrote:
>> On 23/11/2013 10:30, Hugh Glaser wrote:
>>> Its’ the other bit of the pig’s breakfast.
>>> Try an @en
>> Magic!  Thanks.
>> Richard
>>> On 23 Nov 2013, at 10:18, Richard Light <>
>>>   wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Sorry to bother the list, but I'm stumped by what should be a simple SPARQL query.  When applied to the dbpedia end-point [1], this search:
>>>> PREFIX foaf:
>>>> <>
>>>> PREFIX dbpedia-owl:
>>>> <>
>>>> SELECT *
>>>> WHERE {
>>>>      ?pers a foaf:Person .
>>>>      ?pers foaf:surname "Malik" .
>>>>      OPTIONAL {?pers dbpedia-owl:birthDate ?dob }
>>>>      OPTIONAL {?pers dbpedia-owl:deathDate ?dod }
>>>>      OPTIONAL {?pers dbpedia-owl:placeOfBirth ?pob }
>>>>      OPTIONAL {?pers dbpedia-owl:placeOfDeath ?pod }
>>>> }
>>>> LIMIT 100
>>>> yields no results. Yet if you drop the '?pers foaf:surname "Malik" .' clause, you get a result set which includes a Malik with the desired surname property.  I'm clearly being dumb, but in what way? :-)
>>>> (I've tried adding ^^xsd:string to the literal, but no joy.)
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Richard
>>>> [1]
>>>> --
>>>> Richard Light
>> --
>> Richard Light

Received on Saturday, 23 November 2013 17:01:48 UTC