Re: Given a university's name, retrieve URL for university's home page.

On 13/05/2013, Luca Matteis <> wrote:
> How about using a little FILTER and REGEX in the SPARQL query to DBpedia
> (no need to touch Wikipedia's API):
> SELECT ?university ?website ?title
> WHERE { ?university <> <
>         ?university dbpedia2:website ?website.
>         ?university rdfs:label ?title.
>         FILTER(REGEX(?title, "Cambridge")) .
> }

Hi Luca,

Thanks for this. I see now that I should also have mentioned in my
first email that I'm seeking not only the URL for the university's
website but also the official name for the university; my apologies
for that omission.

Anyhow, the first step in my solution obtains this reasonably reliably
- as long as I'm willing to tweak and resubmit the ostensible name
until Wikipedia returns a result - since the title of a university's
Wikipedia article is typically also the official name of the
university; but I probably shouldn't rely on this being the case. So,
I think you're right that it may make more sense for me to to query
DBpedia rather than Wikipedia for this; and also that I may be able to
obtain both pieces of information (university official name;
university website homepage URL) with a single query.

Much appreciated,


Received on Monday, 13 May 2013 23:45:42 UTC