Re: Autodiscovery?

On 12 July 2013 21:08, David Wood <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone (Dan?) know whether the folks do or plan to support Linked Data referenced via <link rel="meta"> tags?  The idea would be very similar to FOAF Autodiscovery [1].
> I would think it would be quicker for the search engines to find and parse a dereferenceable Turtle file than to parse RDFa from HTML, but perhaps I'm mistaken.

Generally has focussed on schemas, with a sideline in
saying encouraging things about RDFa and JSON-LD. There has been a
central emphasis on in-page markup mainly because of a suspicion of
hidden markup. Search engines are on the receiving end of a lot of
mischievous markup, and having structured data be part of human facing
markup is a good strategy for keeping it relatively honest. That said
JSON-LD also has a role to play (e.g. see
) and there were some conversations around ...
which can be considered a form of discovery.

Regarding speed/details, what little I know is only relevant for
Google. HTML pages are crawled anyway, for ordinary search purposes. I
haven't heard anyone argue that Turtle is particularly needed, but in
general I think you'd find more enthusiasm for a link-rel-based
discovery mechanism compared to HTTP content negotiation or HTTP 303
redirects. JSON-LD does cover some of the same use cases as Turtle.
But there are places where Turtle is useful, e.g. ... I'm not
sure it's strengths are in the mass market  'everyday webmaster'
world, though. And the fact that Turtle and SPARQL are so close makes
Turtle a great language for documenting and displaying triples in a
lossless and reasonably human friendly way.

On the original question, it might be worth documenting a few other
deployment routes, e.g. relationship to sitemaps, rss/atom feeds etc.


Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 22:30:03 UTC