- From: Sören Auer <auer@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 09:55:07 +0100
- To: SW-forum <semantic-web@w3.org>, Linking Open Data <public-lod@w3.org>, okfn-discuss <okfn-discuss@lists.okfn.org>, lod2 <lod2@lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de>, geoknow@informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Call for Papers: 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013) Co-located with 22nd International World Wide Web Conference 14 May 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://events.linkeddata.org/ldow2013/ Linked Data is a set of best practices for publishing structured data on the Web which focuses on setting hyperlinks between data items provided by different web servers. These hyperlinks connect the data from all servers into a single global data graph - the Web of Linked Data. The 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013) aims to stimulate further research into exploiting this global data graph to deliver transformative applications to large user bases, as well as to mine the graph for implicit knowledge. Inevitably the challenges associated with Linked Data range from lower level 'plumbing' issues over large-scale data processing and mining, to higher level conceptual questions of value propositions and business models. LDOW2013 will provide a forum for exposing novel, high quality research and applications in all of these areas. In addition, by bringing together researchers in the field, the workshop will further shape the ongoing Linked Data research agenda. *Important Dates* * Submission deadline: 10 March, 2013 * Notification of acceptance: 30 March, 2013 * Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 15 April, 2013 * Workshop date: 14 May, 2013 *Topics of Interest* Mining the Web of Linked Data * large-scale derivation of implicit knowledge from the Web of Data * using the Web of Linked Data as background knowledge in data mining Linking and Fusion * linking algorithms and heuristics, identity resolution * increasing the value of Schema.org/OpenGraphProtocol through linking * Web data integration and fusion * performance of linking infrastructures/algorithms on Web data Quality, Trust, Provenance and Licensing in Linked Data * profiling and change tracking of Linked Data sources * tracking provenance and usage of Linked Data * evaluating quality and trustworthiness of Linked Data * licensing issues in Linked Data publishing Linked Data Applications and Business Models * Linked Data browsers and search engines * Linked Data as data integration technology within corporate contexts * marketplaces, aggregators and indexes for Linked Data * interface and interaction paradigms for Linked Data applications * business models for Linked Data publishing and consumption * Linked Data applications for life-sciences, digital humanities, social sciences etc. *Submissions* We seek two kinds of submissions: 1. Full scientific papers: up to 10 pages in ACM format 2. Short scientific and position papers: up to 5 pages in ACM format Submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG template available at http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and included in the CEUR workshop proceedings. At least one author of each paper has to register for the workshop and to present the paper. Please submit papers via EasyChair at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ldow2013 Christian Bizer, Tom Heath, Tim Berners-Lee, Michael Hausenblas and Sören Auer LDOW2013 Workshop chairs
Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 08:55:57 UTC