Questions about a Service Description

Hi Everyone,

I am on of the developers at the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics for We have for a while now a sparql endpoint in beta. I am trying to generate a Service Description
for that endpoint that is as useful as possible and I have some

The first questions is about the uri of a named graph in an endpoint.
Taking the following extracted example. I have a named graph in the
Is it correct to use the same uri for both the concept of the named
graph and the name of the named graph?

@prefix : <>
@prefix void: <> .

    :graph <#_3> .
    :name <> .

    void:classes "1" ;
    void:distinctObjects "3560" ;
    void:distinctSubjects "1872" ;
    void:triples "6108"^^<> ;
    a :Graph ;
    :name <> .

Or should the first part be

    :graph <#_3> .
    :name <> .

I also have a question about declaring the entailment regime. If no
reasoning was applied, should an entailment regime be declared? if yes
which one?
If only owl:sameAs reasoning as done by OWLIM is used which entailment
regime URI should I use?

The last question is: in the attached example files, which properties
are you missing i.e. you think would generally be useful?


Jerven Bolleman

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 15:41:49 UTC